Monday, July 06, 2009

Urban School Beach Clean-up

On Wednesday morning, June 10th Dan Robinson from SF Surfrider and I, along with the assistance of the National Park Services educator Lynn; presented, educated and guided a beach clean up for a Marine Science class from the Urban School of San Francisco. The Urban School is a progressive private school that emphasizes the passion for learning, inspiring its students to become self-motivated and active participants in their education. One of their teachers, Ms. Emily Goodwin, took her Marine Science students out to Ocean Beach as a final lesson of their semester. Such a wonderful way to cement and finish a topic been taught all semester.

The morning started with Dan speaking about what Surfrider Foundation is as a whole and the different campaigns active in San Francisco’s community – including education and beach cleanups. Thanks to the Algalita Foundation Education Kit, I was able to pass around our sample of the North Pacific Gyre sending home the message of why we do beach cleanups. With every piece of plastic/trash that we pick up off the beach, we decrease the amount of trash that will be entering the marine ecosystem. This over time; will hopefully decrease the size of the Pacific Garbage Patch. Lynn, an excellent guide and educator from NPS showed Ms. Goodwin’s class where to go and what to look for, as well as what not to pick up, i.e. organic material.

There are several photos of the trip that can be found in the slideshow – feel free to check them out!

Thank you Urban School and Ms. Goodwin for bringing your amazing and bright students out for such an interactive, educational and meaningful trip!


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